The role and task of purchasing and supply chain management have changed dramatically in recent years. In many companies today, this function is already the driver of innovations, increases efficiency and guarantees sustainable competitiveness.
The opportunities of technological change must be capitalized, existing business processes and organizational structures must be continuously rethought and adapted. Purchasing and supply chain experts from support you in the challenges of developing into an efficient purchasing organization, thoroughly consolidating the number of suppliers, qualifying suppliers or supporting your supplier in case of a SOP (Start of Production). offers you the opportunity to choose from an extensive pool of highly qualified, experienced purchasing and supply chain experts exactly the interim manager that fits your specific task. Cost savings and optimization of results are central points of orientation for our interim managers in their daily actions.
How does support companies in the area of purchasing and supply chain?
On you will only find experienced procurement manager, purchasing experts for all purchasing categories as well as supply chain experts who will professionally support you in all your technical purchasing and supply-chain-relevant topics. Benefit from our comprehensive expertise in the search and selection of tailor-made purchasing/supply chain experts. Meaningful online profiles facilitate your search and selection.
Wählen Sie schnell und effizient hochqualifizierte Interim Manager auf oder beauftragen Sie uns mit der Suche und Vorauswahl. Die auf akkreditierten Manager verfügen über langjährige und dezidierte Projekterfahrung und bilden alle Facetten des modernen Einkaufs ab. Ob CPO ad interim oder Einkaufs- und Supply-Chain-Experte auf Zeit – bei uns finden Sie den Manager, der Ihren individuellen Anforderungen entspricht und Ihrem Unternehmen einen echten Mehrwert liefert.