General questions is aimed at companies in all industries with a need for temporary managers, project managers or subject matter experts. In addition, we also offer our recruitment solutions to corporate and restructuring consultancies, law firms and investment companies.

At, companies and interim managers negotiate the terms of the assignment bilaterally. Contracts are also bilateral, so there is no triangular relationship.

With this model, we are making the costs of the interim management instrument transparent for the first time. does not charge any hidden fees or surcharges on the interim manager's daily rate.

With our low-cost service and account models (see prices) we significantly reduce the transaction costs for your company and make the use of interim management possible for the first time also for extended purposes. With companies reduce the cost of recruiting an interim manager by 60%-70% compared to traditional providers.

The assignment of an interim manager is usually billed and remunerated in daily rates. At, companies and interim managers negotiate these daily rates and other conditions bilaterally and also conclude the contract bilaterally.

It is not possible to make a general statement about the amount of daily rates. This depends very much on the type and scope of the required qualification, and also on the industry, function and responsibility or liability of the interim manager.

At you will find accredited interim managers with a price range of 750,- EUR to 2.400 EUR daily rate.

The average assignment of an interim manager placed via is just under six (6) months.

The range extends from so-called subject matter experts or industry experts, who are only mandated for a few consulting days, to bridging operational vacancies or program managers with terms of more than two years. accredited interim managers are generally very mobile and therefore internationally available. We strongly recommend to address travel requirements or foreseeable stays abroad already in the tender. will then consider these in the pre-selection of applicants and check the corresponding availability abroad for you.

Over 3,500 interim managers are accredited at The number is continuously adjusted according to demand via our accreditation process. In addition, supported by algorithms, we ensure that the profiles are meaningful and up-to-date and request accredited interim managers to make improvements where necessary.

Additionally you will reach up to 4,000 regsitered managers (depending on the functional area) who will be informed about new projects via our project notification.

Over 3,500 interim managers are accredited at interim-x. The number is continuously adjusted according to demand via our accreditation process. In addition, supported by algorithms, we ensure that the profiles are meaningful and up-to-date and request accredited interim managers to make improvements where necessary.

At you basically have the choice whether you publish a project with your own account, search for interim managers directly in our database, or whether you leave the search and pre-selection entirely to In the latter case, we only need a briefing from you and then immediately start looking for you. As a rule, we introduce you to exactly fitting candidates within 24 - 48 hours.

At you can choose between a purely performance-related remuneration (FULL SERVICE) or a fee-based account where you publish your projects yourself (SINGLE and MULTI). offers a selection of paid accounts for different purposes and recruitment volumes (see a href="t3://page?uid=67">prices).

Questions about products and services offers companies two different ways to recruit interim managers.

  1. With our FULL service offer we take over the search and pre-selection of interim managers for you. You will receive a pre-selection of suitable profiles from us and then decide for yourself with whom you wish to get in contact and whom you may wish to mandate. All we need from you is a comprehensive briefing and we will get started immediately.
    We charge a performance-related fee based on the daily rate agreed between you and the interim manager.
  2. With our company accounts (SINGLE, MULTI) you can create a tender yourself - completely anonymously - and receive applications from interim managers directly in your inbox. takes over the pre-selection for you, so that you only receive applications from candidates that fit your requirements.
    Depending on recruitment volume and duration, we offer different account models (see prices).

Our FULL SERVICE offer is aimed at companies who do not want to create an account on themselves - for whatever reasons. In addition, this offer is also purely performance-related. If we do not find an interim manager that meets your expectations, you will not incur any costs.

Only when you mandate one of our interim managers will we receive a fee based on the daily rate agreed between you and the interim manager.

Our SINGLE account is suitable for one-off needs or to get to know our services first. For a one-time fee, you can post a project for 28 days and receive pre-selected candidates from in your candidate mailbox in your account. After the 28-day tendering period has expired, you have 28 days to contact the applicants. There are no further costs for a mandate.

Our MULTI accounts are suitable for companies with a higher recruitment volume. Post an unlimited number of projects during the term of your account and receive pre-selected candidates from in your applicant mailbox. We offer our MULTI account with terms of three, six and twelve months.

You can use all functions of the MULTI account with an unlimited amount of employees (subaccounts) in your company. This enables you to delegate recruitment in your company to the specialist departments or to cover your recruitment needs centrally in the HR department as part of a team.

You can use all functions of the MULTI account with an unlimited amount of employees (subaccounts) in your company. This enables you to delegate recruitment in your company to the specialist departments or to cover your recruitment needs centrally in the HR department as part of a team.